Why you should care about a healthy diet
Starving out the inflammation!
Perhaps you have already heard something about the importance of a healthy diet for people who have rheumatism. This is of course not a traditional diet, it is rather a healthy diet that helps the body to keep the rheumatic inflammation under control.
There are different opinions on whether there is “the” rheumatism diet at all. But anyone who has studied the effects of a customized healthy diet knows that it is very valuable.
A customized rheumatism diet includes many foods with anti-inflammatory agents and leaves out those that literally “feed” the inflammation.
The change in your diet is pretty much the most important thing you can do to help your body every day.
Never underestimate the power of nutrition. Even if it sounds banal: “You are what you eat!” – No kidding! 😉
Of course, it is possible to also decrease your weight with a healthy diet. Since you will leave out sugar and certain fats, it is even quite likely that you will loose weight. This is also quite handy because it relieves your joints.
However, if you have a fast metabolism and are very slim anyhow, you might consider to eat a bit more of those healthy foods. Or a few extra hands full of trail mix. I speak from experience. 😉
There are good books too that will help you to dive deeply into the subject of a healthy diet and get you started on an anti-inflammatory diet.
Since you are a reader of Rheuma Optimist, you are probably a very busy person – you have to work and have a life to live, right?!
Now you might say “A healthy diet is all well and good, but how can I implement this into my daily life. I have simply no time for all this effort and for preparing fresh smoothies every day!“.
Totally understandable. Our time is limited.
But here’s the good news: You can get used to a healthy diet, even with little time at hand. It is enough to know some important rules about what you may eat in huge quantities and what you should better do without.
And that bit of time that you really have to spend to implement this, will absolutely be worth it. Because this is about your body. Always remember that you are doing this for yourself.
If you take the time every morning, you to apply mascara or, sorry, guys, to shave, then you definitely should take the time to prepare a healthy shake “to go” (you can keep fresh smoothies in the fridge for up to three days ;-)) or to put a herbal tea in the thermos.
Nothing comes from nothing. It is your health and your body. Do something for yourself, to help yourself and to strengthen your body.
Teas that have a mixture of anti-inflammatory agents such as willow bark, nettle, yarrow or dandelion, can work wonders. It does not have to taste sweet. You get used quickly to the bitter taste of herbal teas if you realize how much power they have to help you. And if you need a sweetener anyhow, then use organic honey – which namely also has anti-inflammatory agents. 😉