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Schwanger mit Rheuma; Pregnant with Rheumatoid Arthritis; Photo Copyright Laura Keil Photography


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Experiences Think positive

Pregnant with Rheumatoid Arthritis – Can I get pregnant, even if I have Rheumatoid Arthritis?

By on June 4, 2018

Pregnant despite of Rheumatoid Arthritis? Young people often have to ask themselves whether rheumatism affects their family planning or whether they have to plan their lives completely without children. The good news is: Pregnant with Rheumatoid Arthritis is possible! There is almost always a way to have kids -…

Warten auf den Termin - Waiting for the appointment (Foto-Copyright: Fotolia/gpointstudio)


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Experiences Think positive

A smile can work wonders in the waiting room

By on July 2, 2016

Waiting for the doctor`s appointment – A kingdom for pessimists?
Do you know that? You have a doctor’s appointment and you already know in advance that you can expect a long wait in a room populated by grim patients? Impatient faces, the occasional loud sigh and the restless groping feet:…

Mit einem Lachen ist alles leichter - With a smile, everything gets easier (© ViewApart -


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It´s true: Pity doesn´t help you at all when dealing with rheumatism

By on April 17, 2016

Attention, don´t fall into the “pity trap”! – Stay positive!
Do you know that? You meet friends or family members and are just about to happily deliver your welcome – because you really rejoice and you’re doing great! You’ve seen beautiful things and are looking forward to sharing this.

In the…

The World

Hi, ich bin Lisa! Weil ich davon überzeugt bin, dass sich auch mit Rheuma ein ganz wunderbares Leben leben lässt, möchte ich meine eigenen Erfahrungen mit dir teilen. Viel Spaß beim Entdecken der schönen Seiten des Lebens! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi I am Lisa and I am an optimist, despite rheumatism. I am convinced that we can live a wonderful life - even with rheumatism! Therefore I am sharing my own experiences with you. Enjoy the bright side of life!
