First Steps

Congratulations! You’ve made it this far. This means that you have probably made the first steps in looking for information on how you can master your life despite rheumatism. – And in the most positive way! 🙂

Die ersten Schritte zum Rheuma Optimist - First steps to becoming a rheumatism optimist (© Tamas Zsebok -

Die ersten Schritte zum Rheuma Optimist – First steps to becoming a rheumatism optimist (© Tamas Zsebok –

Glad you are here!

Whether you already live with rheumatism for a while or just got the diagnosis, here you can get the help you might need to do the first steps to become a rheumatism optimist.

Your body is stronger than you might think. It is virtually “producing” the rheumatism itself, autoimmune, and it can also contain it quite well.
… If you know how you can support your body.

I will give you an idea on how you can support yourself! And we start the same, with the 5 most important things for your start.


Five steps to become a Rheuma Optimist

The five most important things on your way to become a rheumatism optimist:

  1. A positive attitude. You can train yourself to think positive.

  2. Healthy eating. Yes, I’m serious. For it is true: “Food Matters”! And with a healthy diet you can achieve more than you dare to dream of. Stay tuned.

  3. Sufficient exercise. – Namely the right kind of exercise. Stay flexible, but protect your joints.

  4. Laugh. Keep your humor. True, it is not always possible to laugh away the pain, but focusing on the good things makes life so much easier.

  5. Relax. The most important thing to implement your Rheuma Optimist Lifestyle is taking the time to relax. A walk in the woods or through the park can make a real difference.


To get you on the road to become a Rheuma Optimist, here’s a list of things that you should take to heart:

•    Familiarize yourself with your diagnosis
•    Have a conversation with your rheumatologist
•    Analyze your nutrition style – and, if necessary, change it
•    Keep moving, baby! Find the right exercises for you
•    Tell your family and friends about your chronic disease
•    Protect yourself from the compassion-trap
•    Inform your workplace
•    Simplify your daily life

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