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Ein cremiger gefrorener Milchshake als süße Erfrischung / A creamy frozen milkshake as sweet refreshment (Photo/Copyright: Lisa Feldmann)


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Healthy Diet Recipes

Frozen milkshake “Pink Delight”

By on March 30, 2019

Rheumatism Optimist Gourmet – Drink healthy!
Rheuma Optimist Gourmet recipes can be prepared quickly and complement your Rheuma Optimist lifestyle perfectly. Today in the Rheumatism Optimist Kitchen: 
Frozen milkshake “Pink Delight”.
Enjoy this refreshing and sweet milkshake with bananas, strawberries and raspberries in coconut milk.

Ein cremiger gefrorener…

Leckere glutenfreie Spaghetti mit asiatischer Gemüsepfanne / Yummy asian-style veggies on gluten free spaghetti. Photo/Copyright: Lisa Feldmann)


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Healthy Diet Recipes

Asian-inspired vegetables with gluten-free spaghetti

By on December 17, 2018

Rheumatism Optimist Gourmet – Eat Healthy!
Rheuma Optimist Gourmet recipes can be prepared quickly and complement your Rheuma Optimist lifestyle perfectly.
Today in the Rheumatism Optimist Kitchen: Asian-inspired vegetables with gluten-free spaghetti. Whether as a quick dinner or delicious lunch with a lot of anti-inflammatory power. This dish is ready in…

Der Tee gegen Rheuma unterstützt deinen Körper langfristig. The tea for rheumatism supports your body in the long run. Photo/Copyright: Lisa Feldmann


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Healthy Diet Recipes

Tea for rheumatism: Just my cup of tea!

By on October 5, 2018

My daily tea-pot of well-being
Especially with a disease such as rheumatism, it is important that you actively support your body and keep it fit – every day. A great help is a cup of tea – or better a whole pot of tea. Of course it should contain a…

The World

Hi, ich bin Lisa! Weil ich davon überzeugt bin, dass sich auch mit Rheuma ein ganz wunderbares Leben leben lässt, möchte ich meine eigenen Erfahrungen mit dir teilen. Viel Spaß beim Entdecken der schönen Seiten des Lebens! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi I am Lisa and I am an optimist, despite rheumatism. I am convinced that we can live a wonderful life - even with rheumatism! Therefore I am sharing my own experiences with you. Enjoy the bright side of life!