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Healthy Diet

Gesund essen als Rheuma Optimist - Healthy eating is important as a rheumatism Optimist (Foto-Copyright: Fotolia / artmim)


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Healthy Diet

Healthy eating – start now!

By on May 12, 2016

Healthy eating is fun. It is not only fascinating to precisely deal with what we eat, it can also help you actively in getting your rheumatism under control. If you are afflicted with pain in joints or in muscles or with general stiffness, then a change of diet can…

Gesunde Ernährung - A healthy Diet (Photo: © kritsada171 -


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Healthy Diet

Why you should care about a healthy diet

By on April 17, 2016

Starving out the inflammation!
Perhaps you have already heard something about the importance of a healthy diet for people who have rheumatism. This is of course not a traditional diet, it is rather a healthy diet that helps the body to keep the rheumatic inflammation under control.
There are different opinions…

The World

Hi, ich bin Lisa! Weil ich davon überzeugt bin, dass sich auch mit Rheuma ein ganz wunderbares Leben leben lässt, möchte ich meine eigenen Erfahrungen mit dir teilen. Viel Spaß beim Entdecken der schönen Seiten des Lebens! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi I am Lisa and I am an optimist, despite rheumatism. I am convinced that we can live a wonderful life - even with rheumatism! Therefore I am sharing my own experiences with you. Enjoy the bright side of life!