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Leckerer Gemüsereis mit gebackenem Blumenkohl / Delicious veggie-rice with baked cauliflower


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Healthy Diet Recipes

Baked cauliflower with turmeric on colorful kale-rice

By on August 24, 2018

Rheumatism Optimist Gourmet – Eat Healthy!
Baked cauliflower with turmeric on colorful kale-rice

This delicious recipe is perfect for a delicious dinner or a hearty lunch as it contains a lot of anti-inflammatory power. Quickly prepared, with a total cooking time of just 30 minutes, this recipe is a perennial favorite…

Rheuma Optimist Teatime: Löwenzahnblätter ergeben einen ganz wunderbar stärkenden Tee. Dandelion leaves make a wonderful and strengthening tea. Photo Copyright: Lisa Feldmann


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Healthy Diet Recipes

Our tea time! Dandelion!

By on June 11, 2018

Today we are looking at an extremely effective herb and at a particularly soothing tea that you can prepare freshly at home: Dandelion!
Whenever I think of dandelions, the intro-melody of a famous german children’s program comes to my mind. In the series, a guy called Peter Lustig explains how…

Getrocknet und frisch - Salbeiblätter ergeben einen hervorragenden Tee. Dry or fresh sage leaves make a wonderful tea. Foto: Rheuma Optimist


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Healthy Diet Recipes

Sage – Effective help from the herb garden

By on February 19, 2018

A valuable helper is sage with its official name Salvia Officinalis. It works antiseptically and is good against inflammation, so it can provide relief especially in inflammatory diseases such as rheumatic complaints. Prepared as a tea and drunk on a regular basis – for example, a cup a day…

The World

Hi, ich bin Lisa! Weil ich davon überzeugt bin, dass sich auch mit Rheuma ein ganz wunderbares Leben leben lässt, möchte ich meine eigenen Erfahrungen mit dir teilen. Viel Spaß beim Entdecken der schönen Seiten des Lebens! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Hi I am Lisa and I am an optimist, despite rheumatism. I am convinced that we can live a wonderful life - even with rheumatism! Therefore I am sharing my own experiences with you. Enjoy the bright side of life!